How to Fix Google Chrome Double Scroll Bar Bug/Problem

Have you updated your Google Chrome browser only to get a double scroll bar on the right(see pic above) most of the time when browsing the web? This started happening to me a few weeks ago but I have only found the fix to this problem only now. I found the fix on youtube and you can watch it below:

I guess this happens when we browse a site that uses Flash. It’s also actually not a double scroll bar problem but what we are actually seeing is the scroll bar of the the other tab we are browsing. The current tab window we are in has its width shortened and thus gives us the illusion that we are seeing 2 scroll bars because we are able to see the scroll bar of the other tab behind our current tab.


Written Solution

If you’d rather read the solution, then you can follow my instructions per the video’s advice:

  1. Type “chrome://plugins” into your URL address bar without the double quotes.
  2. Under Flash, look for the Shockwave Flash plugin which uses the pepflashplayer.dll file. (See in red below)
  3. Disable that plugin. (See in green below)
google chrome double sidebar fix
google chrome double sidebar fix

Once disabled, this should fix the problem! If not, then you may leave a message below and I could help you find the right solution for you.



10 Replies to “How to Fix Google Chrome Double Scroll Bar Bug/Problem”

  1. Hi,

    I had the same problem on and I notice that its not only caused by the shuckwave plugin. If you still having problem after disable the Shockwave plugin simply disable all of the plugins and activet them one after another to identify witch causing the problem. Leave that one disable and your problem is solved 🙂

  2. No, it does not help. It does make it less frequent though but it fails to completely wipe out the problem. Still looking 🙁

  3. Hello. I have been having this issue as well and I’ve tried every possible combination of which Shockwave plugins should be enabled or disabled. At first, this solution worked however after a month it stopped working and I can’t find any other solution anymore. Do you know any alternatives?

  4. How many of you with this problem have switchable graphics on your laptops? Someone somewhere mentioned that as a factor, and then I tried switching the graphics for Chrome to “power saving”. This seems to have fixed the problem. Try it out.

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